Rain Man

Rain Man

Rain man was the most popular movie in 1988. Along with being nominated for eight Oscars the film also earned multiple awards at other film festivals. The budget for this film was $25 million and it earned 354.8 million in box office. This film features Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman and Valeria Golino as the lead actors. This movie was unique for its time because it focused on a disabled character and his struggles in daily life which his brother takes on in a. Moments notice to try and get what he deserved from his father but ended up forming a relationship with his brother he didn’t know existed. As this is all happening Charlie is also dealing with troubles at work as well. This film was considered socially acceptable when it was released but I feel if this film was released in the current time there would be some negative feedback due to the nature of the film. Over all the film was enjoyable to watch and Raymond and his condition was very interesting to watch happen. Many people do not get a first hand view of daily life with someone who is disabled like Raymond was. Seeing it in a movie forces people to see things differently. I have had to work with some disabled individuals and you really start to understand them better once you get to know them and what their quirks are. You really go to see how Charlie and Raymond started to form a bond in just the couple of days they spent together traveling. Even with Raymond being autistic and not being able to emotionally display his feelings you can tell towards the end of the movie he trust Charlie and listens to him well. Charlies girlfriend ended up leaving after the first night with Raymond because of how mean Charlie was to him but returned when they were in Vegas and I believe she was shocked at how well they had started to get along. This movie I believe is a good one to watch in the comforts of your own home just due to the emotional factor of the movie. I was some what disappointed with how the movie ended. I was hoping Raymond would end up staying closer to Charlie but I also think Charlie realized that he wasn’t able to fully care for Raymond like he had been when he was at the institute before which he had been at since a young child. Charlie did mention that he would be going back often to visit Raymond. Over all this was a really entertaining movie and I appreciate how it is different from your regular movie. 


In A Knights Tale there are multiple segments that stick out. The beginning where you are seeing Wills current part and the loss of their current knight. Then the portion where will takes his place and wins and convinces the others to go along with him in falsifying his identity. There is then his winning sequence where you see his tournament after tournament winning. And then of course the scene where he meets the girl, wins the girl and then is exposed by the other knight, he returns home to his father. Then prince Edward saves him and knights him as well. A lot of the segments also go along with the dramatic arc. The film is building up to Will winning the girl, going back home to his father and then of course being found out who he truly is which is going to ultimately happen where he came from. So the actual drama of this movie isn’t to unexpected it follows the arc.A Knights Tale is a story, it has all of the makings to be a story and follows the drama arc. We see a poor man left with no choice but to steal and identity to be able to earn money and survive. He always had the dream of becoming a knight but did not come from royal blood so his father sent him away at a young age to assist a knight with his requests, this was the best his father could offer him. Everything leads up to Will becoming a knight and in the process of his knighthood be finds a lady who he falls in love with. There is competition though for her another knight has made arrangements with her father to wed her but her heart belongs to Will. The final tournament is in Wills home town and that is where he is exposed for being an imposter and not a true knight which is punishable by death. But Prince Edwards saves him and then knights him as well so his dream becomes a reality and he gets the girl. 

Super Size Me Style

Super Size Me

A documentary different from all the rest Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock. In this documentary you are not only learning about the unhealthy facts about McDonalds but thanks to Spurlock you get a first hand look at how this food can affect a healthy persons body. The challenge is 30 days of nothing but McDonalds food, if McDonalds does not sell it Morgan can not eat it. He must eat three meals a day and if the employee asks if he wants to super size his meal he must say yes and at some point he has to try every item on the menu. For 30 days we get front row access to Spurlocks journey to his declining physical, mental and emotional health. He discussed the issues he had with his stomach hurting, the only time he was happy was just after he finished eating a

McDonalds meal, and the consequences he suffered sexually all resulting from the food he was ingesting. The Documentary does shy away from the gross details, we see Morgan vomiting just a few days into the challenge after trying to finish a meal. The nutritionist is astonished at how quickly he is gaining weight and his average calorie intake is about double his needs amount to maintain his starting weight of 185 lbs. at the end of the challenge Morgans weight was 210 lbs. he gained a total of 25 lbs. in just 30 days. 

The moment in the movie when Spurlock’s becomes depressed and unhappy with his life, not having intercourse with his girlfriend anymore and he is obsession with eating McDonald’s. I noticed his portions increased as the documentary went along. As he’s depression increased his consumption intake increased. This was very striking to the audience because he started off as a funny, happy, go lucky guy. To see Spurlock, go from very happy to be depressed and gaining weight was shocking to see that the food you’re eating can in return ruin your mental health. The entire movie is shocking, but it delivers the information in a way everyone can understand. Spurlock at one point in the film was interviewing people on the streets and the lack of nutritional knowledge many people have is a serious issue. Many people can not tell you what a calorie is and they say they know McDonalds is not healthy but still eat it anyways, which to me seems like they do not know just how unhealthy it truly is. 

The genre of this documentary film are a mixture of drama, comedy, and shock-realism. In such a heavy film (no pun intended) there are moments of brevity because Spurlock is genuinely very funny and entertaining and that also helps the film succeed.The movie stye is conventional and the audience is able to see everything they need to see. The documentary presents the information in a comedic way to keep the audience interested. The comedy keeps you focused and adds to the illustration of the movie through imagery of McDonald’s. The imagery comes from different artists who show McDonalds in different lights through an artistic lens. The film is clear and shows how the two girls suing McDonald’s for their obesity and put it as a test of Spurlock and although Spurlock did not end up obese it was only a short 30 day trial. The film does not demonstrate that the world is good, fair, and just because at the end of the trial the girls were not favored and lost and could not prove that McDonald’s caused their obesity.

Comedy, Tale or Romance…

A Knights Tale (2001)

Filmed with a budget of 41 million, this film was a delight to watch. It grossed $56,083,966 domestically and $44,538,620 internationally. Compared to the expected box office graph this film stayed right in the anticipated range. During the filming process there was not many obstacles to be over came, besides the slight miscalculation of how many lances were needed to be ordered. They started with ordering 8 and ended up using 44 in just one day and the grand total for the film being over 1,000.

The reviews for the movie were mixed. If you are expecting to watch this movie and get an accurate  medieval  time frame representation you will be disappointed. It is not too far off from the time frame but the producers played on the humor in the movie along with the music not being historically accurate, but it also is a huge bonus to the movie.

The film is based off of a peasant who took the opportunity to change his stars. In the process he gained friendship, honor and of course love. The message in the story is truly a great one I do believe, no matter what you were born into you are always capable of change if you are willing to put in the work. Also another message in this is there is always a double standard. In the movie you see two individuals who were pretending to be someone they were not, but depending on their “class level” determined the outcome of their true identities being revealed.

This movie is great to watch at home cozy in your pajamas with friends and family. Be sure to have a good sound system for maximizing the jam session experience. Pop some popcorn and grab your favorite snacks to enjoy this film which can be appreciated by many different types of movie goers.