Ford V Ferrari: To Bring It All Together

Shelby and Miles Standing Together
Shelby and Miles Standing Together

By Exploring the surface part of the movie, how much did it cost to finish this movie. How was the selling. By researching critics and comments in order to get a general idea about the movie. The movie received really really good audience and ratings. IMDB rating of 8.3 tells that it is, actually a good movie. Beyond that, got a 100% on the Rotten Tomatoes. Those are definitely positive ratings toward the movie. I think that way too. The movie is exciting not only because the competition between those two legendaries, but off court as well.

Then we explore more about the movie by selecting specific elements or characteristics of the movie. For instance, the red color in Ford v Ferrari performs in many functions. Also look deeper into the criticisms into the movie in order to have a more solid understanding.

The critics all have one thing in common, They are all admiring the portrayal of the two legendary drivers in this movie and presenting the audience with two flesh-and-blood characters.

Starting to look into the style of the movie and the genre of it, what particular elements have made this movie unique and make the movie stands out. Ford v Ferrari is special is because it is a commercial biopic movie. Since this is a racing biographical film that takes into account both commercial and plot, the film naturally put a lot of effort into the script. The first is the biography of the award season.

Analyzing the movie by particular scenes and different segmentations. The different scenes compose to a sequence. All these sequences compose to a great commercial biopic racing movie which is the Ford v Ferrari. The film is more traditional, it is a commercial biopic, it expresses as much as it can to the audience what it wants to see, because the film exists to let the audience understand what happened between Ford and Ferrari in 1960. The result was clear, with Ford working day and night, regardless of the cost, to beat Ferrari. There were conflicts, doubts and disappointments between the roles, but in the end it all seemed less important when Ford finished on the podium.

The star performance element in that movie is given by Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio. Two huge stars from Hollywood and show outstanding performances in this movie. Bale as Ken Miles and DiCaprio as Shelby, as two most important roles in that movie, leading characters as well.

Editing refers literally to how shots are put together to make up a film. Traditionally a film is made up of sequences. In this film, the difficulty of editing is how to show the tension during the competition and make the audience feel excited. When not playing, use smooth transitions to introduce the audience to the information they need to know.

the Twentieth Century Fox did not make tons of profit on this movie, though it’s excellently in my view. The budget of the movie was $97600000, it’s a ton of money to put on a movie, although, the domestic sale of the movie is about $99304000, and $86847000 internationally. The totally releases worldwide was about $186000000. In conclusion, the film itself was generally good, but not as good on its business perspective. The 20th Century Fox did not get a good sale on this big project.

The movie is biopic, but the theme was racing and business competition between two legendary automakers. Though it tries to stay as close as how the reality was at that time. The 20th Century Fox did a good job by making it less boring but more commercial and fun instead.

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