Garden State Personal Favorite Analysis

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Garden State in its ability to present a unique a family that was more dysfunctional instead of the typical sitcom styled American family. Garden State made us feel it was okay to not be okay. Our world is not perfect but we shouldn’t run and hide. Garden State has  its main character rediscover his emotions he has suppressed while Eternal Sunshine deals with character who are trying to completely erase their emotions they allowed to be released. Both a unique look on how emotions wether good or bad are a part of are lives that need to be experienced.


A traumatic point in the film our Main characters life is dramatically altered. While the  accident to which handicaps Zach Braff’s Mother is not shown on film. We are left with a somber reminder when Andrew Largeman (Braff) confides in Sam (Natalie Portman) that broken dishwasher door handle is the reason for his heavy prescribed medications and his estrangement with his family. Small plays in chance separate positive and negative events that truly shape our lives.


Garden State presents small town living as unpolished as one would might expect. High school drop outs and those who were caught in lives maze unable to escape. While the emphasis in the movie focuses on embracing our emotions rather than trying to drown  them out with drugs or other forms of medicating. Garden State leaves us with the ideology of facing our fears head on instead of ignoring the problems that life can cary. Do not be safe or modest allow yourself to experience what you only believe you deserve. There are people in our world who often feel they are unworthy and do not allow themselves to feel happiness. Either from past wrongs having done to someone or someone else telling them they are unworthy. The relationship with Andrew Largeman’s father at the end is the most important as it shows some form of development. Talking. And real emotions connected. Honesty not just pander .

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