The Sound of Music

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          The Sound of Music is one of the most delightful movies out there from an artistic standpoint. Julie Andrews is exceptional as Maria, the tomboyish girl, while Christopher Plummer is phenomenal as Captain von Trapp, the widowed father with 7 kids. The soundtrack is also sensational with classics and cornerstones in the music industry such as Do-Re-Mi, The Sound of Music, and Edelweiss, just to call out a hand full. In conclusion, The Sound of Music is one of the movies that should be on your to-watch list if you appreciate art. So I give it a definite five stars in that category. But from a normal movie goer standpoint, the flavor of this genre and style of movie can be very dry in today’s day and age. Honestly, The Sound of Music wouldn’t appeal to most people of this generation unless the consumer understands and appreciates the music that is paired up with the cinematic value that this film has to offer.

        The Sound of Music is a classic film that had all of its external or outside shots filmed in European countries such as Austria and all of its internal or inside shots filmed in California. This masterpiece of a film follows the story of a widowed father of 7 children, who runs his house just like the ship he used to run. That is, until their whole life as they know it gets flipped upside down when Maria comes into town. She comes to become the new governess of the 7 children and eventually turns them from little sailor children into singing balls of joy who make the audience want to sing along and find joy in the simplest of things that life has to offer just like they do. Maria marries the father and realizes she no longer wants to be a nun, as she originally had made plans for. This fairytale ending is almost ruined when Austria’s new German rulers decide that they want Von Trapp, the father, back in the military. I feel as if these are the most significant moments in the film that should be focused on. 

        When speaking to other individuals and reading the reviews on this specific film I realized that the majority of people who have seen this film say that the movie is very slow. Some say that the plot of the movie isn’t interesting enough to them. Some say that they expect more twist and turns, more unexpected events to occur, and more exciting moments within the film. I personally could agree with some of these opinions because I’m not the type that likes a movie that starts off slow at all. I like a lot of action in movies and this film shows a lot of emotions and you can connect to the kids in the film really easily. This is a singing type of movie that really persuades the view to sing along and keep up with the musical storyline along with the dialogue of the characters. On the other side, a lot of individuals say that the movie was pretty good and that they really like how you can relate to what the kids are feeling very easily. I personally can agree with some of these kids and it’s crazy how the director puts the effort in to appeal to our emotions. It takes a lot of thinking and research to find a relatable piece of emotion that is shared between many different individuals out there. 

        Some may say that the sound of music can be considered a great film and others will say that this film is completely overrated. I personally can agree that this film has a very slow beginning would be a lot great if it was a lot more spontaneous. Compared to some of these other great filmed I’ve watched I can easily say that I feel as if this film is overrated and could be a lot better. Not saying that the storyline wasn’t good or anything in that nature but personally I don’t feel like the director put his all into this film like he could’ve. I feel like if the director would have taken a bit more time to look over his dialogue and just make a couple changes that would catch the audience off guard he would have made a much better movie. I don’t feel like the movie was completely horrible I just don’t feel like it fulfills the name and reputation that it’s said to hold.

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