King Kong Great film

         The movie King Kong is definitely one of the top 50 movies ever made in America. I love how the movie shows a clear meaning to what they want people to believe it’s like, but there is also a deeper meaning behind it. Kong is set to resemble a terrifying creature sitting on an island waiting to create mass destruction to anyone or anything that comes in his direction. Little do they know, Kong actually has a good heart and isn’t out to terrorize but really to mind his own business. I definitely feel like the deeper meaning to King Kong is to show human greed and how they will stop at nothing to get what they wanted. 

          One of the moments that really stood out to me was when kong first fell in love with Ann and how his love for her led him to do things he’d never even think about doing. For example Kong fought off dinosaurs in desperation to keep his love safe. Another really significant moment in the film was when they had Kong chained up inside of the theatre in order for the people with cameras to come in and take pictures of him and really harass him to full extent. The final but certainly not least significant moment of the film was when Kong had fallen from the top of the Empire State Building to his death after fighting off multiple fighter pilots with Ann inside of his hands. This was the final scene of the movie and certainly one of the most important. 

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          Although the movies graphics weren’t the best I still found them very good and impressive for a movie made in 1933. There were many other movies around this time that didn’t use special effects not nearly as well as they did while creating King Kong. The deeper meaning behind this movie made me appreciate the film for much more than just the visuals, but along with the dialogue and the events they used to build up to the climax of the movie. One of the reviews spoke on how you’d watch the movie and keep in mind that this 65 foot gorilla is not only fake as can be, but hard to believe any of the events he was doing were even possible. Even still, people watch this movie and are filled with excitement and enjoyment seeing the amazing things this huge animal is capable of doing. The art of imagination is really played with in this film and I am yet to see someone watch this movie and complain about how fake it is or how scenarios like this will never come true. I’m very glad that over the years people have watched this film with an optimistic eye and are able to get a deeper meaning out of the concept. I can easily agree that these reviews match the experience I took from watching this film as well. 

          There are only a couple of movies made in this world that you can label under a great/Top of the charts type of movie. I feel like having a consistent storyline where you’re being very persistent with the point that you’re trying to make, along with simplicity can complexity all mixed together is what makes a great film a great film. With the use of all these attributes, along with imagination, I feel like you have the capability to make any regular idea into an award winning movie. When I watched other great movies like ET and Forrest Gump you can also see the complexity, optimism, and imagination it took for them to create these great films with relatable meanings. Not only do the meanings have to be relatable but they need to be simple enough for someone with a 5th grade education to understand, but not in an oblivious type of way where it seems as if you may be talking to the audience in a “dumbed down” type of way.

          On a more technical level, I can say that I really enjoyed the audio and sound effects they used to create this film. I also liked the effort they put forth in order to create special effects in such an older type of movie. The actors worked really hard to give a realistic reaction to how scared they were of Kong and I couldn’t tell you how much I appreciate a good actor in a science fiction movie. In all I really enjoyed this film and recommend it 10/10 to my peers.

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