[Genre, Drama, Narrative, Performance]The Ni ght of Living Dead

Totally, the story is told in a nonlinear narrative in which the story is broken up with the plots having parallel developments. The Night of Living Dead can be categorized as a horror movie. More specifically, Todorov defines it as a “marvelous” horror film, is explained as “the bizarre events of the story can only be explained by reference to another level of reality. First of all, this film is a black and white film style. The contrast between black and white highlights the mysterious and horrible atmosphere of this film. Second, the movie is full of scary elements. People are always afraid of the dead and the grave, and this film starts from the cemetery, with the dead as one of the main characters. The film also shows a lot of bloody horror scenes, such as the zombie cannibalism, the end, the little girl cannibalism and other scenes. This story is told in a nonlinear narrating way. As noted in Film Art, “nonlinear systems, permit random access to the entire store of footage” (68). Bit by bit, the film has to give information about the origin of the living dead. The actress ‘body movements and some background music perfectly present the intense scene, the plot’s advancement and the character’s psychological changes. There was no line, but anyone could intuitively feel Barbara’s fear. The actors stars are unknown because of budget issues. But it’s an unknown actor who makes this movie a success. It’s easy for audiences to form fixed mindsets about famous actors, associating them with their most famous roles.




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