Garden State 3.5-3.6



Garden State demonstrates a variety of editing styles. Eyeline match cuts can be seen in the beginning of the film at the funeral where Andrew Largeman (Braff) is shown staring off in his father’s direction, ultimately landing on the grave digger and a familiar face. The next seen cuts to Largeman walking up to talk to the grave digger and newly pointed out childhood friend Mark.  

The film garden state uses continuity editing and at certain important time the editing mistakes are highlighted at its most pivotal point of the film. A large emphasis on the movie is Largeman finding a way to breakthrough through his emotion wall built from his dependence on prescription medication and trying to distance himself as far as possible from his biological mother and father. An unfortunate editing mishap occurs when Largeman finally is able to cry. The opening seen makes a point to show even from the death of his mother an inability to feel real emotions and cry. While Braff may assume the viewers are caught in the moment it is hard not to see the jumping done from Natalie Portman’s character. Originally leaning and then kneeling near largeman in the bathtub.  


Garden State music is composed of a soundtrack which for its time had many up-and-coming artists and some newly gaining popularity. A generous portion of why garden state has such a strong following can be contributed to its song choice that not only has a great soundtrack but incorporates the music well into the film. 

There are times where the music is diegetic like where Sam gives Andrew her headphones and we are introduced to the shins and song which is found on its soundtrack. Then there is non-diegetic music which can be heard when Andrew is taking what we can assume to be a form of ecstasy. This music starts after Andrew is zoning out making one assume the music is not being played at the party as it does not match the actions of the other individuals at the party.  

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