Ford v Ferrari: Competition Behind the Race Track

Shelby Holding A Plating Saying to Speed Up
 “Shelby Holding a Plate Saying to Speed Up”

About the sequences of this movie, there are two particular ones in my mind that are outstanding and interesting for audience to interpret. One this the scene that could be understood as the beginning of the whole conflict, which is the Ford employees went to Italy, expecting to merge or buy out Ferrari. Enzo thought the Ford II was very disingenuous, because he had sent his men instead of himself to the scene. The stubborn old gentleman cursed Ford, humiliated Ford II and his empire, and sold Ferrari to Fiat. These scenes are clear and straight, It was a perfect introduction to a competition of business took place on the race circuit. The flow of the movie is smooth, then it comes the LeMans race and the victory of Ford.

The whole film is based on the narrative film style, because the purpose of the film is to tell the audience what happened in the epic commercial competition of that year. The film didn’t have a lot of suspense or reverse elements, basically solid tells the story of ford made in a nearly perfect machine in a very short time to be able to match the Ferrari race

cars. And ford was the first time to participate in LeMans race but got outstanding achievements —won the championship, defeating the ferrari, Miles and Shelby perfectly achieved the goal given by their big boss. The audience got what they want, a big victory to Ford. One more interesting detail about the movie was that at the Final sceneEnzo took off his hat to pay tribute to the Ford team, but Ford II left early. Enzo was stubborn but passionate about racing, and the Ford II was just a business machine. This leads a deeper understanding of the characters.

The movie is a story, a story of two famous car companies fighting against each other. One of my peers mentioned the story of the movie “Makes the Movie Palpable.” Also the movie is both sided so it make the movie look fair and do not look like a one side conflict. In conclusion, This is a film that tells a clear story but at the same time makes people feel excitement.

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