Pan‘s Labyrinth:Fairy Between Reality and Dream

Pan’s position is intriguing, he’s like a messenger, he’s like a friend, but his ultimate goal is to sacrifice the blood of a child. Quite simply, he is a speculator in the regime change, the child in the movie symbolizes the future, the fruit of the revolution, who owns him, who owns the land. What Pan has done is nothing but seeking the maximum political benefit for himself. He is a speculator of The Times. He was the one who knelt before the throne in the last act, always on the right side of history.
There is no other film in which heroism praises justice, and there is no salvation that really cleanses the heart. Through the disillusion of idealism, we watch the whole film quietly recount all the bloody facts.
We know clearly that as long as war exists, Vidal will exist. And the labyrinth of Pan, which always lives in the human heart, also lives forever with the light of idealism.
The most curious, of course, is whether the god pan is true, I personally think that is a girl’s fantasy, the film begins to sick mother before I thought this is true, until I find a girl to see they can’t see, the most obvious is the captain following girls came to the labyrinth, in the perspective of the captain to we express all this is false, The girl saw hades on her deathbed is her imagination of the fairy tale to the reality, why? For the queen was her dead mother, and a family reunion under the earth was the little girl’s best wish.
A poor child, in order not to face the ruthless war of the world, immersed in his own fairy tale kingdom, where there are loving parents, love their own people, no war, no quarrel, no abnormal murderous demons. So she threw herself into the fairy kingdom day and night, doing quests with the elves there. I still like to believe that Ophelia enters the world of fairy tales and reunites with her family and everyone is happy, or maybe I am an idealist myself.

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