Great Film Essay #1

Run, Forrest, run!

Image result for forrest gump movie

Review of the film “Forrest Gump”

For many, many years, or rather 23 years, the film “Forrest Gump” excites the minds and hearts of lovers and admirers of good cinema

 The film of Robert Zemeckis was released in 1994. This is a film adaptation of the Winston Groom novel of the same name. The picture immediately became popular. What to say? The film won first place at the box office in 1994. But Forrest Gump is not at all outdated over the years. Until now, old fans and the new generation of movie fans who have grown over 20 years are watching and revising it. And it still pleases. Craving for the beautiful but does not weaken at all. No technological revolution and political game can drown out people’s faith in justice, kindness and humanity.

 In 1995, the picture was appreciated not only by the audience, but also by professionals. Around the world, 38 different awards have been received! She was immediately nominated for 13 Oscars and in fact received 6 gold figurines! Moreover, in such prestigious nominations: “Best Film”, “Best Special Effects”, “Best Adapted Script”. In addition, Zemeckis himself received an Oscar as “Best Director,” and starring incomparable Tom Hanks took home a statuette for “Best Actor”. I would be very surprised if this did not happen! There is still justice under the sun and moon. It’s a pity that it doesn’t always work well but that is not the case here.

 Retelling the plot, I think, is completely useless. Most of the readers are probably watched this miracle of world cinema, and many read the actual novel. By the way, the film has many differences with the novel. But no one, I hope, will blame the scriptwriters for this, or maybe there are those who are dissatisfied. After all, you have to keep in mind that you will not please everyone! But for beginners, I will dwell a little on the history of Forrest Gump. Literally in a nutshell. Only in order to become interested (I hope), they must have watched the film. Believe me, you will not regret it!

 The film begins romantically – an adult Gump sits at a bus stop, a feather falls from his eyes from the sky where a smooth story begins. Moreover, people on the bench are changing, and Forrest still tells the story of his life, as if he had not noticed it. He was always a little strange, to say the least, mentally different. They didn’t even want to take him to a regular school, but his mother, whom the boy loved very much, nevertheless achieved a standard  education for him. Mom is generally something special for Gump – a bright image full of love and worldly wisdom. He even quoted it all his life, and with it the audience for many years, as proverbs, repeat: “Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what kind of filling you come across.” Or “Fool is a fool of strife” (in some translations of “He who is a fool knows himself”). Many more phrases from the movie “gone to the people” and are still cited. The words yelled by Jenny Carren (Forrest’s best friend and lover) “Run, Forrest, run!” Are heard several times in other films.

 It is interesting that in the unpretentious story of Forrest, a kind and simple guy, before the eyes of an amazed viewer, there passes a huge layer of the U.S. history, almost 30 years old, refracted through the prism of consciousness of the protagonist. And he, voluntarily or involuntarily, affects these events. We see historical characters (Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Richard Nixon). Moreover, it is known that Tom Hanks himself insisted on this. He wanted the story to look as authentic as possible. And it worked.

 Forrest speaks and speaks. And before our eyes, exciting events rush through – years of study, love, friendship, playing sports, military service, and with it, the war in Vietnam, the death of friends, then life in peacetime. Everything is so simple and so true that we cry and laugh, not doubting that Forrest is telling the truth. He is just a good person and even a hero. But he doesn’t even think about it. He just livesю. At the end of the story, the feather flies up. Between two moments of flight of a light pen – a whole life, a whole era.

 This touching story was told to us by a team of real professionals. Starting with the director, scriptwriter, cameramen, artists, and etc. One cannot fail to note the work of the composer. The music of Alan Silvestri is the decoration of the film. In addition, the picture sounded a lot (almost 50!) of compositions of the 50s – 80s, which helped to plunge into the atmosphere of previous years.

 The lead actor is the beloved by millions – Tom Hanks. He is so accustomed to the image that you cannot even imagine another Forrest Gump. But John Travolta, Bill Murray and Chevy Chase auditioned for this role. With all due respect to them, I am very glad that Tom was approved. He did the impossible – made him love his hero wholeheartedly. And empathise with him. Bravo, Tom! You are deservedly on the Best of the Best team.



One Reply to “Great Film Essay #1”

  1. Hi Bair:
    Forrest Gump is one of my favorite films because it always make me feel hope about life. I like your ways demonstrating the whole storyline of this film and I also like how the story is told with the narrator of his own. This brings the audience to the story immediately because anything visible is perceived from the point of view of Forrest himself. Thanks for letting me know how the historical characters like John Lennon make the story so authentic and incredible.

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