Film Analysis #1 – Week 4C: Editing and Sound

Night of The Living Dead displays a couple editing strategies. These edits are used utilized to emphasize the visual aspect aspect for the audience. Match on action happen during this when a character would sees a zombie and then procedes to run in the opposite way with a disgusted scared terrified face. Continuity editing is used in majority scenes of the film. There are also some other edited scenes throughout the film as well. This is shown multiple times throughout the film, described as when characters are schemed on by the ghouls. The reasoning for this type of editing is to create as many questionable and anticipated scenes or suspenseful scenes. Once the actual terror I visbale to the views by the look on the characters face leads the audience to wonder whats going to happen next. With the assumption of the ghouls attacking the protagonists. Sparse analytical editing was also visible when the ghouls attacked. Cameras would zoom up close of the character being mauled to bring more dramatics to the scenes. The film director chose these editing methods while shooting this film to complete the suspenseful feeling of the film. The scenery of a farm plays an important role because it emphasizes just how close the enemy may be to actual life at that time.

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