Forrest Gump Great Film

When someone says they’ve never watched Forrest Gump, people fall back, appalled. They can’t believe you’ve never seen the classic movie with Tom Hanks as main role. Honestly, I was 18 years old the first time I watched this film. I watched it with my two brothers, one which had already seen the film, my mom, and our dog. I couldn’t say I was too excited to see what the hype over this movie was because it didn’t really sound that interesting to me. Two long hours and 22 minutes later, I admit humbly my whole perspective had changed.  Truthfully, I can see why it is such a popular movie among American’s or really any humans that truly enjoy an underdog story. 

My overall experience with the movie was a very enjoyable. I think Tom Hanks really outdid himself as an actor. I have watched other movies with him such as: Saving Private Ryan and Sully. Both films, which I thought were great, and this movie is definitely my favorite. For being a movie that really didn’t seem to fit my genre, it was extremely intriguing, had me on the edge of my seat hoping he would get his dream girl and have the best life. 

The moments that stood out to me in this movie were the famous line “RUN FORREST RUN!” In this scene, Forrest is being pelted with rocks to his body and head. One rock specifically, made his head bleed. In this moment, Forrest is struggling to run on his own, he gets up and Jenny screams those famous words at him and Forrest begins to attempt to run away from the bullies as fast as he can. The bullies get on their bikes and begin to chase him. As their chasing him Forrest breaks out of his support and runs like the wind. The reason this moment stood out to me is because everyone would always say “Run Ty Run” in a voice that I didn’t understand when I was growing up. After this movie, I realized that this was where they had gotten it from. They were mocking Jenny’s voice, so it brought back memories from my childhood, and I felt like I could finally relate to the in crowd of Forrest Gump watchers. Apart from that, the deeper meaning was that beautiful scene where Forrest learns how to run. It was when he finally figured out his purpose and his passion. He claims in the movie, “If I was going somewhere, I was running.” It’s truly a feel good moment. 

Another scene that really stood out to me was when his friend “Bubba” died in the war. Forrest was always so committed and loyal to everything he did. When he lost his best friend it was truly heartbreaking. In the end, when you realize Forrest opened up the famous restaurant Bubba Gump, a place that I had eaten and never was able to make the connection it was even more meaningful. You realize what good and honest of a person Forrest is. It makes you wish only the best for him. 

What the critical conversations that I read all mostly agreed with my experience with the film. A lot matched my experience by claiming that the story of Forrest Gump is a story of love, hope, perseverance, respect, and tolerance. It was hard to find a critic that could disagree with that. 

Why I believe some films are considered “great” is because they teach us lessons, or have a deeper meaning, give us a good feeling. For instances, such as this one Forrest teaches us the importance of never giving up, and moving forward despite his past. The fact that he is honest, inspirational, and has good intentions he can be a motivational person for others. Another reason I believe films can be considered “great” is if they can be great to all different types of groups, not just one. For example, my favorite film The Blind Side is another underdog movie, about a kid who literally came from nothing to become an NFL star. Not only do athletes, as myself benefit from watching this, but a lot of people I know who aren’t athletes, not people of color, really enjoy this movie. I think it’s “great” because a lot of different people can agree it changed them in a way. Contrastingly, I think there are a lot of movies people claim to be “great” that really aren’t that great to me. I think that all has to do with opinion however. Not everyone likes the same thing. What a film critic might claim as “great, best, amazing” a regular movie goer might not agree. Everyone has different ideas to which they think great is. 

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