Genre, Drama, Story & Performance

This Film can be seen as Horror. This is evident as the characters are being attacked by zombies creating an intense feeling of fear and shock, expression(s) shown throughout the entire entourage. The Story has a specific plot, as the base characters get an inital glimpse of the upcoming issue.  The characters then come together, attempting to rid of the issue. Finally, the issue gets a hold of the characters, ultimately making the characters zombies. Its told this way and not in another way, because this plot creates the most suspense, making the viewer thirsty for what comes next. It supports the horror genre as fear is displayed throughout the entire plot. All performances are suited to give the viewer a horror or fear type feeling. The performers act on different roles as Barbra is seen as the initial main, then Ben takes immediate command of almost every decision, displaying how the story creates an emergence of any character to take leadership regardless of fear, to take down the antagonist(s) (Zombies).

The physical performance examines the horror genre overall. The members of the group run, hide, and battle with the living monsters while the living monsters pursue, kill, and eat the living people. These are a sharp difference between good and evil in physical performance.

The actors like Duane Jones who cast Ben is an unknown state actor while Judith O’Dea who cast in Barbra is a commercial and stage actress. Besides these two, most of the actors are non-professionals in this film. In this respect, Ben is depicted with a calm and brave performance while Barbra is depicted with dramatic stunts in emotional and physical movements. The whole performance is expected to be more ‘realistic’




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