Film Analysis #1 – Week 2A: Segmentation_Night of the Living Dead




The Night Of The Living Dead is a suspenseful movie, including multiple major segments. The first most important segment would be “They’re Coming to get you”. As Barbra and her Brother Johnny are at a graveyard, Johnny begins to joke around ” They’re Coming to get you” he says multiple times.  As Barbra tells johnny to knock off the obnoxious jokes, she runs into an actual zombie. She then screams for johnny’s’ assistance. As he attempts to rescue his sister, he is ultimately knocked unconscious  and Barbra is left to defend for herself.  Another important segment is when everyone is stationed at the safe house, As Harry, Tom, Ben, and Barbra. They all are informed of the situation and have a better understanding. Two attempt to flee in a vehicle but die, due to engine flames. Everyone are ultimately bit and turned into zombies. These segments are situated this way to create the most suspense as possible, keeping the viewer waiting for scenes to come.


There are three segments of the movie. In the first part, Barbara and her brother encounter a zombie, and her brother dies of a virus. The second part is that she meets Ben, who is also hiding from the zombies, and other people in the house. The third part is the ending part. Cooper who loves his daughter is eaten by his zombie daughter. The other is stabbed to death by her daughter. Barbara is captured by her brother Johnny, and Ben is shot dead after being mistaken for a zombie. These parts are the main plot turning points. This way adds to the drama of the movie and renders the atmosphere of terror. Whenever the audience watches the film in a way, the director immediately gives an unexpected reversal, which surprises the audience. When I was watching the movie, I thought that Ben should be the final winner, but Ben was shot.


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